How To Post Anonymously On Facebook

How To Post Anonymously On Facebook

Nearly everybody utilizes Facebook these days and there are different inquiries concerning this web-based entertainment stage. One of the most widely recognized inquiries concerning Facebook is how to post anonymously on Facebook and here we will offer you the response to the inquiry so read. 

The people who don’t have the foggiest idea what is a mysterious post on Facebook, let us know that an element just works in Facebook bunches where individuals are permitted to make a post and offer it in the gathering without telling different individuals about the personality of the part to share the post. 

It is an interesting element of Facebook’s Social media stage and for that reason, it is totally justifiable on the off chance that the vast majority don’t have the foggiest idea how to do that and that is we are here to give the response to the inquiry so that if you have any desire to post an unknown post on Facebook you can do that. 

How To Post Anonymously On Facebook?

Here at last we will offer you the response to the inquiry about how to post anonymously on Facebook. To offer you the response to the inquiry we will give you a bit-by-bit guide so you need to deal with no sort of issues while posting namelessly on Facebook. Here are the simple tasks:

Posting Anonymously On Facebook On Desktop?

Posting Anonymously On Facebook On Desktop?
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Since you need to know the solution to the inquiry that pose to how to post anonymously on Facebook we will let you know how you can do that on a desktop or PC. 

Step 1 

For the initial step, you should simply go to your Facebook and select the gathering from where you need to secretly post. 

Step 2 

For the subsequent step, you need to go to the Compost Post choice and afterward click on the Write Something choice. 

Step 3 

For the third step, you need to tap on the Anonymous Post choice. 

Step 4 

For the fourth step, you need to flip the switch. 

Step 5 

For the fifth step, you need to tap on the “I need to post anonymously.” 

Step 6 

For the 6th and last step, you should simply make a post and snap on the Submit choice. 

How To Post Anonymously On Facebook On iPhone?

How To Post Anonymously On Facebook On iPhone?

We’re going to show you how to post anonymously on Facebook using an iPhone because we know you want to know the answer to that question. 

Step 1 

Simply opening the Facebook app on your iPhone is all that is required for the initial step. 

Step  2 

The second step requires you to select the Groups option from the menu by tapping on the three horizontal lines. 

Step 3 

For the third step, you need to go to the Compost Post choice and afterwards click on the Compose Something choice. 

Step 4

For the fourth step, you need to tap on the Anonymous Post choice. 

Step 5

For the fifth step, flip on the switch and make what you need to post. 

Step 6 

For the 6th and last step, you should simply tap on the Submit choice to post it or tap on the Drop choice to change something about your post. 

How To Post Anonymously On Facebook On Android?

How To Post Anonymously On Facebook On Android?

Since you need to know the solution to the inquiry that pose to how to post anonymously on Facebook we will let you know how you can do that on an Android. 

Step 1 

For the initial step, you should simply open the Facebook application on your Android. 

Step 2 

For the subsequent step, you need to go to the menu by tapping on the three flat lines and select the Groups choice to choose the gathering from where you need to namelessly post. 

Step 3 

For the third step, you need to go to the Compost Post choice and afterward click on the Compose Something choice. 

Step 4 

For the fourth step, you need to tap on the Anonymous  Post choice. 

Step 5 

For the fifth step, you need to tap on “I want to post anonymously.” 

Step 6 

For the 6th step, flip on the switch and make what you need to post. 

Step 7 

For the seventh and last step, you should simply tap on the Post choice and your post will be distributed. 


In this article, I am incorporating the real factors about anonymously posting on Facebook. We propose a clarification to the inquiry that poses how to post anonymously on Facebook. We additionally provide you with each snippet of data that you really want or might want to be aware of. 

To summarize it one might say that posting namelessly on Facebook is an exceptionally simple interaction and any individual who is a client of Facebook would have the option to do that without confronting any challenges. 

We truly want to believe that you find this article worth your time and value perusing this piece pretty much every one of the focuses that you ought to be familiar with in this inquiry. So on the off chance that you have any inquiries concerning this report, you can ask us in our remark box.

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